Keen interest on doing things differently. This might be the thing that would characterize Karlis Grīnbergs. Be it research project from University or any other challenge that has been faced in professional career.
Karlis expertise ranges from research in numerical simulations for burning process optimization to working in target groups in order to improve energy efficiency laws. Having Masters degree in power engineering helps Karlis to tackle the professional challenges of energy consultants - be it residential buildings, industrial buildings or statistical analysis of country energy performance.
Karlis is most interested in projects that can change how energy and efficiency is perceived at a core level - this give the opportunity to change the system as a whole, not only implement solutions.

Can you speak a little bit about where you grew up and how that place shaped you?
My childhood went by in a small village in rural Latvia. The grass was green(er) and there was a lot of nature around, so I assumed that this is how it is everywhere. However, starting to visit more places locally and abroad, I understood that there is a problem – nature and its resources are basically wasted.
When I had the opportunity, I joined the EU Youth parliament among other activities and started learning about how the environment works and how we can support it by our decisions and views.
You’re a trained Technical Expert. Can you talk about your educational steps and exploring that professional path?
As I was a member of some organizations that were in the climate field, I started to understand what I want to do in my life. When the time to go to university came, I chose to become a power engineer so I can make environmentally better decisions that there are right now.
When studying, I was twisting and bending my curriculum as I could, since I was interested in energy efficiency and alternative energies. So one step led to another and now I’m a certified energy auditor doing engineering tasks, research and giving speeches and lectures about the topic I love!
How would you describe your current work to people who don’t know you?
To put shortly what I do, I would like to cite architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. Less is more. That is basically what I’m trying to achieve: do as much as possible with a finite amount of resources, be it building materials or your own time, the truth is always one – use smartly what you have.
How do you view your own personal development? What are you looking to explore or master?
My personal development has been and always will be a journey.
A journey that is being inspired by people around me and situations around the world. I strongly believe that there is a solution to everything, and you only need to try different approaches.
The phrase “something doesn’t work or is impossible” is just a suggestion that people are not ready to invest enough resources in the solution!
